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From crisis to sustainable growth...turning around organizations and communities

Services Background

Crisisology Group International (CGI) has the experience and competency to provide troubleshooting enhancements and crisis and disaster assessments for organizations and communities. We determine  applicable tactical and strategic courses of action resulting in stability and sustainable growth. Clients will always have the support they need, and can depend on our extensive practical experience and knowledge, to guide them through the maze of organizational complexities.

A group of people sitting around a table looking at papers.

We generally contract by the hour for our consulting services. However, some projects can occasionally be quoted at a fixed price. We often recommend that new clients consider this per-project option during an evaluation phase. New clients may also use our hourly support when they need immediate assistance.

Interim Management and Public Relations

A man and woman shaking hands over papers.

While Interim management is not traditionally linked to firm consultancy, CGI has uniquely positioned itself to provide cutting-edge Interim Crisis Management Services (ICMS). Client-needs may arise at senior or junior management levels, and may range from sudden vacancy or retirement, to regular management requirements. CGI can often hit the ground running to stabilize a company, or a particular department/sector in operations or administration.

As part of our Interim management function, CGI is available to provide public relations services such as written communication, and spokesperson representation during and/or after disturbing events.

Crisis Analysis and Commentary

Without direct intervention, CGI also provides clients with written assessments or analyses of actual occurrences, as well as, problematic or threatened circumstances. Such a service allows us to empower our clients to create Self Interventionist Activities (SIA), which will aid in the reduction of tense or chaotic events. 

Through The Management Journal of CRISISOLOGY Today (TheMJCT) - a publication of Crisisology Group International -  and also the Crisis Management Forum of 12Manage, commentary on selected man-made or natural disruptions, may be produced for publication. Such should shed light on a possible parallax perspective (for a wider audience) regarding the dynamic complexities, and long-term effects of public-impact crises and disasters.

Risk Mitigation/Crisis & Prevention Management (CPM) 

CGI helps to guide its clients in looking at various risk or hazard scenarios - before and after crises, emergencies, disasters, and catastrophes - with a view toward reducing or eliminating those risk factors. Thinking of the possible worse case events, or examining existing organizational or physical infrastructure hazards, can provide clients with an advantage in risk mitigation, as they seek to prevent or reduce the potential disastrous impact of various occurrences. A systematically applied tool of inquiry - Post Crisis Objective Debriefing (PCOD) - created by the founder of CGI, further affords us helpful insights into the vulnerabilities of organizations and communities.

A person standing on the side of a road near a fire.

Crisis & Prevention Management (CPM), was first coined as an officially combined term in a 2005 article written by the founder of CGI, and published in the Crisis Management Forum of  12Manage .

Executive Recovery and Coaching

A woman standing in front of multiple monitors.

Crises can often spawn distrust and discomfort for executives who are personally intertwined in embarrassing or organizationally damaging events. The organizational stress level brought on by such unfortunate occurrences, can mount in a most serious way following a crisis. CGI - only from an organizational perspective - will coach such executives in raising their confidence level, as they re-relate to their organizations. They will be empowered to perform at an optimum rate of productivity, without losing track of their need to be proactive instead of being reactive.

Where the need arises, senior management people and others, must seek specific help from licensed, registered, or otherwise specifically trained professionals in the field of trauma, emotional/personal stress, or related conditions affecting their mental capacity to perform. CGI DOES NOT PERFORM SUCH SERVICES.  

Executive-Management/Corporate Training

Through the American Society for Business & Executive Development (ASBED) - a department of Crisisology Group International (CGI) - we provide personal/career oriented development and training for emerging managers, as well as junior and senior management professionals. Encouraging professional growth on the part of managers, helps our clientele to remain viable with sustained growth, competitiveness, and competency.

ASBED/CGI also conduct seminars and workshops on the broader corporate non-managerial level, on location whenever necessary. Special emphasis on Crisis & Prevention Management (CPM) training, helps employees recognize 'red flags' and work toward either eliminating them or reducing the potentially damaging impact they may produce.

A man writing on the wall with many words
Laser-like focus on targeted management and overall corporate training, allows these organizations and communities to develop the requisite levels of foundational sustainability and resilience.


Crisisology, the new discipline

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