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From crisis to sustainable growth...turning around organizations and communities

Crisisology Group International, LLC

is an innovative consultancy firm specializing in the delivery of service solutions in the areas of:

  • Organizational Crisis Management
  • Community Disaster Management

As crises continue to consume our world, Crisisology Group International will always be available to offer a helping hand.


While perusing our website, we trust you will be enlightened as you begin your journey into areas of new thinking. It is certainly a good start, when you can contemplate innovative ways of addressing problems, issues, and crises in your organizations and communities. This would be a noble effort, as together we attempt to balance the equation of the harsh environment in which we live and work.

We hope your brief tour will offer opportunities for an exciting and rewarding future. We invite you to reach out today and discover the success you deserve, for change lies just ahead.

Thank you!
Crisisology Group International (CGI)  

A woman sitting at her desk in front of two computers.

Crisisology involves . . .

Studying world-wide crisis issues, while taking into account the tenets of emergency management, disaster management, and catastrophe management. This unifying approach to such study, and the integration of the same in practice, will help achieve for Crisisology, its general acceptance as a professional/academic discipline.

Crisisology aids us in understanding policy and decision-making processes that affect the structure of operational and administrative systems within organizations and communities. It helps to set in motion, a robust, and seamlessly comprehensive interconnectedness, which automatically establishes a foundation of sustainability, growth, and resilience within organized entities.


Crisisology Group International (CGI) operates on the cutting-edge of Crisis Integration (CI) through palpable change and innovation. New canons relating to the Organizational Science of Systems Thinking Management (OS/STM) directs us in our quest to create resilient organizational structures.

CGI consults on deeply embedded issues, problems, and resulting crises in organizations, and devises strategic development plans used as unifying catalysts to create applicable solutions for those organizations. Many times, senior management groups do not fully understand why and how persistent long-term problems become crises. These deep-seated problems often blur the pathway to innovation and profitable growth. The spectra of crises, issues, and concerns in organizations are indeed vast, and may include:

  • financial hemorrhaging;
  • security threats;
  • distrust among organization's members;
  • executive defections;
  • sabotage;
  • bribery/fraud;
  • fires/industrial explosions;
  • violence at work;
  • technology disruption;
  • whistle blowing;
  • rumors/scandals;
  • sexual harassment;
  • mismanagement/misconduct; and


Communities are known as ground zero for natural or man-made hazards. In these instances, strategies developed to address destabilizing events, must be centered around the needs of those communities. The limited resources often attributed to urban or rural areas when responding to those disturbances, must be optimally applied in order to experience a restorative or resilient environment. CGI assists communities in the renewal of blighted areas, and also aid in mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery analyses relating to natural or man-made disruptive events. The events affecting communities may include:

  • floods;
  • earthquakes;
  • tornadoes;
  • hurricanes;
  • Tsunamis;
  • winter storms/blizzards;
  • chemical/biological spills;
  • virus threats;
  • volcanic eruptions;
  • mudslides/landslides;
  • coastal storms;
  • drought/famine;
  • cyber-terrorism and other terrorist acts;
  • political and military conflicts;
  • forest/wild fires; and
  • riots.

Useful Links

Bureau of Crisis Prevention and Recovery (BCPR)-United Nations  

Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)-USA

Comprehensive Emergency Management Research Network (CEMRN)-USA  

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)-USA 

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-USA

Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)-United Nations

Humanitarian News and Analysis (IRIN)-United Nations

International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM)

International City/County Management Association (ICMA)-USA/International

International Crisis Management Association (ICMA)-UK/International

International Law Commission (ILC)-United Nations

International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (IRCRCM)

National Disaster Medical Systems (NDMS)-USA

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-USA 

National Tribal Emergency Management Council (NTEMC)-USA

National Weather Service (NWS)-USA

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Pegasus Communications (PC) for the advancement of Systems Thinking-USA

Relief Web (RW) natural disaster map-International

Society for Organizational Learning (SOL)-USA

The Eastern Academy of Management (EAM)-USA/International

The Executive Fast Track (12Manage)-EU/International

The International Consortium for Organizational Resilience (TheICOR)-USA/International

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA)

United States Geological Survey (USGS) 

World Bank (WB)

World Health Organization (WHO)-United Nations


This website provides the above for informational purposes only. More useful links will be added over time for just that purpose. Crisisology Group International (CGI) does not necessarily endorse or support the contents, positions, policies, services or products of the above listed organizations, or any others referenced in this website (including third-party sites), whether through their websites or other means of information dissemination. These entities are solely and fully responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in their own sites, and CGI is not responsible for such.  Further, CGI has not investigated the advertising claims made by any advertiser, or other entities connected to or through this website, and thus, does not endorse or support the contents, positions, policies, services, or products of these advertisers or suppliers. Each visitor to CGI's website is solely responsible for verifying the accuracy of the contents herein. Therefore, CGI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within this or any other site. Through this website, CGI does not provide professional advice where licenses, registrations, or certifications are required to perform certain specialized services in various jurisdictions—including other countries around the world. Laws regarding the use of websites may vary from country to country, and thus, those using this site must defer to those jurisdictions whenever necessary.   

Let's make it happen! Contact us today to set up a complimentary consultation.


... from crisis to sustainable growth


Crisisology, the new discipline

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